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How to export effects to SD Card? – BASIC

Export of effects from the LED Strip Studio software for further use in your project and standalone applications. We will talk about the process for different devices and file types. We will also cover how to get the actual files onto the SD card.

IMPORTANT note for user of SPI Matrix & REACTIVO is that whenever you want to export the effect, you need to create what we call Dummy device(s). This is an additional setting necessary on top of the setup of your Art-Net nodes and controllers.

Software settings #

In order to be able to export any custom effects created in the software, you need to have proper Mapping done in the software. Also you need to make sure you understand the different File types. As mentioned above, you also need to understand the Dummy device in order to be able to export your effects for SPI Matrix and REACTIVO devices. 

File type #

We unified the file type used for all of our new devices. LN2 is the general file type that you want to export for LSS3, SPI Matrix, SPI LED Controller and REACTIVO. Only LSS2, now discontinued product, uses LNT file type. In standalone mode, you can also export LDM file – a DMX file that you can use to control Analog LED strips in your projects

Mapping #

As with any project, you need to have the Mapping done properly for your effects to play from the software and from the file stored on an SD Card. For further details and tutorial on how to do this properly, follow this article. In general, you need to export the effect for the controller that is supposed to play that effect. This is especially important when multiple devices are used in order to create one single picture from multiple LED pixels. Or if multiple controllers are used in single installation and you want to trigger the effects at the same time.

Scene vs. Bank vs. Show #

For each file type, you have 3 basic options. Scene to export single selected/played effects. Bank to export multiple effects at the same time. Show to export the music synchronized show as a single effect file.

What device can I use ? #

Basically any and every controller with an SD Card slot. All of our new controllers are using one file type to play the effects. Only LEC2 uses older format. But even that will still work, if you are lucky enough to own it.

How can I upload the effects to SD Card? #

You can either upload the effects  through the Web configuration toll over network or directly to an SD card. Except for the SPI LED Controller, both options are available for all controllers.

With SPI LED controller, you have to manually copy the effects to the card that you put to your PC. There is no other way, since the device can not be connected to your PC or Network.

Web configuration #

This all-mighty tool can be used for all settings related for your controller.

LED Ethertnet Controller 3 & SPI Matrix #

In the Web config, look for Advanced settings tab. There scroll down and find Upload files section. Use either Browse… button to open File explorer or drag and drop your files directly onto this button and hit Upload


In the Menu, click on Settings and look for File upload. Again, either hit Browse and search for your files or Drag&drop them directly onto the button. Don’t forget to hit Upload file to SD.

Manual upload to SD Card #

There is probably nothing simpler. You insert the card to your PC and copy/paste the effects. It is important to remember that effects are to be stored on a card that has maximum of 32GB and has FAT32 format. Also, don’t put the effects in any folders, because this will hide the animations from the controller.

How to doublecheck the files? #

While uploading, the Web config is giving you update on the current state of the upload.

It might happen for whatever reason that the upload fails. The Web config will write this message. Don’t panic, maybe you just have to re-upload or use a different card.

You can see what the effects number indexes in the Status tab at the very bottom. In the table, you can see the index of the file and whether it is an LN2 ( digital strip scene ) or LDM ( analog/DMX scene) colored Green.

Similar view, with an added feature to actually Play the effects, can be accessed in the Autoplay tab. Just locate the Player button and click on desired animation.

In Reactivo, you can go to Player and in Animation library you will see the effects that you have exported.

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